Tristram 741 Vanquish ‘Morpheus’
This brand new Tristram 741 Vanquish 'Morpheus' will be equally at home jetting to Great Barrier Island as it will be slicing through the fresh chop from Kinloch to Cherry Bay. Handed over last weekend to second time Tristram owners, Morpheus boasts everything premium, including top of the line fixtures and fittings, the latest and most sophisticated marine electronics, and more than enough lighting to turn Boat Harbour into a suave outdoor bar.

Tristram 741 Vanquish ‘Fickle Mistress’
This brand new Tristram 741 Vanquish Targa Top package was handed over recently with world-class features to prepare these owners for some incredible memory making.

Tristram 741 Vanquish
Another sleek large V8 Tristram Targa has been completed and handed over. This 741 Vanquish is destined for the Hauraki Gulf and beyond. Overnighting was a priority for these owners who selected an upgraded feature lighting package, heater systems, electric toilet, fridge and hotwater system.