This #Tristram701Offshore ‘Fish n Play’ got its fair share of fishin’ and playin’ over the summer between both the North & South Islands!…Premium Offshore Trailer Boats#Motuoapa #PelorusSound #Tristram701Offshore

Crisp & clear evenings aboard
Crisp & clear evenings aboard. 'Hammer & Togs' is right at home here in Northland's Whangaroa Harbour. Is your Tristram 'weekend-ready'?! Tristram // Premium Offshore Trailer Boats // #Tristram691MillenniumM2…

You never know how many mates you have until you own a Tristram!!!
You never know how many mates you have until you own a Tristram!!! #Tristram741Offshore #Nils741 #Fishslayer #weaponTristram // Premium Offshore Trailer Boats // www.tristram.co.nz
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or…

The countdown to the weekend begins… almost time to hook on the boat!Tristram // Premium Offshore Trailer Boats // #Tristram600Cabriolet
The countdown to the weekend begins... almost time to hook on the boat!Tristram // Premium Offshore Trailer Boats // #Tristram600Cabriolet
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine in your images…

Urapukapuka, Rawhiti, Hauai, Otehei… all in a day’s work for this #Tristram701Offshore
Urapukapuka, Rawhiti, Hauai, Otehei... all in a day’s work for this #Tristram701Offshore
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine in your images or hashtag #tristram in your post des…

Team Payback has done it again!!! Congratulations Mark and Ian!
Team Payback has done it again!!! Congratulations Mark and Ian!#TristramMarineOpen #Whitianga #Tristram881Offshore
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine in your images or hashtag #tristram…

You beauty!!! Another tag and release for Phil onboard his Tristram 741 Offshore at Waihau Bay!!! Thanks for the awesome photo team!!! #marlinslayer #Tristram741Offshore #fishingweapon #outwide
You beauty!!! Another tag and release for Phil onboard his Tristram 741 Offshore at Waihau Bay!!! Thanks for the awesome photo team!!! #marlinslayer #Tristram741Offshore #fishingweapon #outwide
Please share your Tristram images with us! In…

The weather was OUTSTANDING this weekend for the start of the 2018 Tristram Marine Open!#teamtristram created plenty of quality memories this year!!! #Tristram881Offshore #qualitymemories
The weather was OUTSTANDING this weekend for the start of the 2018 Tristram Marine Open!#teamtristram created plenty of quality memories this year!!! #Tristram881Offshore #qualitymemories
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram…

Since summer in Northland, this #Tristram701Offshore has ventured all over the North Island!
Since summer in Northland, this #Tristram701Offshore has ventured all over the North Island! These great shots were taken last weekend on Lake Taupo!
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine…

Auckland Anniversary Day. Enjoy it aboard your Tristram!
Auckland Anniversary Day. Enjoy it aboard your Tristram! Tristram // Premium Offshore Trailer Boats#Tristram701Offshore
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine in your images or hashtag #tristram…

“Another mint few days away on our 741. Kingis, scallops & crayfish. Life is great!!!”
“Another mint few days away on our 741. Kingis, scallops & crayfish. Life is great!!!” #Tristram741OffshoreTristram // Premium Offshore Trailer Boats
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine…

Nice Snapper Luca! #tristram881offshore #oceanhunter #snapper #bluewater #fishingnz
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

If this doesn’t say NZ summer nothing does; Tristram 581 Prima M2 & Massey Ferguson 135 (1967).
If this doesn’t say NZ summer nothing does; Tristram 581 Prima M2 & Massey Ferguson 135 (1967).
Please share your Tristram images with us! In Instagram or Facebook tag @tristrammarine in your images or hashtag #tristram in your post…