@tait_wilson_nz we love your shot mate. Keep the good ones coming!
We'd love to see your boating photos!
In Instagram or Facebook please tag @tristrammarine in your images or hastag using #tristram or #tristrammarine.

Another Tristram Offshore package strikes again!!! Congratulations to Adam and Luca onboard their Tristram 881 Offshore
Another Tristram Offshore package strikes again!!! Congratulations to Adam and Luca onboard their Tristram 881 Offshore for this impressive catch today!! #tristram #tristram881offshore #marlin
We'd love to see your boating photos!
In Instagram…

When the Threshers are biting…
When the Threshers are biting... @mercurymarine // @thefishingwebsite // #tristram // #tristrammarine // #Tristram741Offshore // #oceanhunter // #fishingnz // #thresher
We'd love to see your boating photos! In Instagram or Facebook please tag…

#Tristram741Offshore at @mtmaunganui
Great shot from this #Tristram741Offshore at @mtmaunganui this morning @mercurymarine // #tristrammarine // #tristram
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!

On-board a Tristram 701 Offshore in the stunning Queen Charlotte Sound
What could be better than sitting on-board a Tristram 701 Offshore on a clear and sunny day in the stunning Queen Charlotte Sound. New Zealand's boating playground really is second-to-none!#tristram701offshore // #luckykiwis // @purenewzealand…

Weekends are better on a #Tristram741Offshore. #mates #tristram #tristrammarine
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

Another weapon left Tristram Marine today! This #Tristram741Offshore is destined for Taranaki and will be taking part next week’s Cockies Classic. Looking forward to seeing some big fish being reeled onboard this machine!Yamaha Motor New Zealand // ALM Group // Simrad Yachting // Fusion Marine Entertainment
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

Another whopper shot by Team Enzo at Great Barrier Island! #tristram #tristrammarine #fishingnz #oceanhunter #snapper #enzo
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

Spearfishing at Great Barrier Island NZ. Nice catch! #tristram #tristrammarine #fishingnz #oceanhunter #snapper
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

A line up of new Tristrams receiving their brand new Enduro Trailers this morning. #tristram #tristrammarine #oceanwarriors #enduro

Nils Mcgee is back out there doing it!!!
Congratulations to Nils and his team landing another Marlin today falling for the Tristram 741 Offshore diesel matched with the Bonze Lures Trojan Retro! #tristram741offshore #marlinfever #bonzedomination
We'd like to see your boating photos!…

A new #tristram881offshore owner waits patiently for his new boat to be completed. He’s looking forward to catching many more more of these giants aboard his new 881 weapon #oceanhunter #snapper #tristram #tristrammarine #fishingnz
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

Nice day on the water for the crew on xcalibre fishing the Tristram marine open yesterday. Rebecca Avery with her first yellowfin tuna. @fishgrid @girlswhofishnz #tristramopen
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

Cam picked up a nice fish on lake Okataina over the weekend, just on 7lb. Top work Cam. #tristram #tristrammarine
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…

Happy angler Scott Kirkham on vessel Infinity with his yellow fin tuna. @fishgrid #tristramopen
We love collecting images from our owners. There are a few options for you to get your boating images through to us!
1. post your image to our Facebook Page 'Tristram Marine NZ'
2. post your image to Instagram, hashtag it #tristrammarine…